jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Redes sociales

Hoy trabajamos con el cuidado de las redes sociales y hicimos un trabaja sobre eso de que hay que cuidar las redes sociales porque si tenemos una cuenta publica y subimos información personal cualquier persona lo puede ver y una  persona que no conoces sabe todos tus datos.

Em concepts

Today we saw a video and we do a presentation
This is my presentation:

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Innovation concerning

we  are working in a project called  innovation today we do a presentation in pic collage of innovation shoes.Innovation means something new.

This is the presentation that I did with ny group:

martes, 10 de abril de 2018

The spider in my leg

As part  of the proget "your shoes,my shoes",the teacher told us to write an anecdote and show how we felt.

                                                            THE SPIDER IN MY LEG

  One day I was in my home with my sister and my grandmothr.I was making my bed when I moved my bed and I hurt my leg.When my grandmother was helping me my sister was calen my mom and my grandfather.

    When my grandfathers arrivrd we went to the hospital.The doctorn said that he had to give me 2 atiches.I was so scared.Y was sweating because I thought that it was going to hurt.When I changed the bendage I said that it was a spider.It so ugly.

jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

Cuida tus datos personales

la clase pasada miramos un video sobre distintos chicos que eran más famosos de lo que ellos creían en las redes sociales.

Con ese video hicimos una tapa de revistas sobre cuidar los datos personales.

Esta es mi portada:    

Enviromental Managment

Today we do a presentation in tagul with words conected to environmental manegment.
enjoy it!